About Cló Mhuire

Cló Mhuire is an Irish name which means ‘Mary’s publishing’’. The name for my card work was inspired in acknowledgment to Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland, and in gratitude to God. All the Cló Mhuire cards with their poems, verses, quotes and designs are created and written by Frances Daly, copyright © 2000-2024, except where otherwise stated, such as the use of images.

The inspiration for writing and creating cards, and then setting up a Christian card publication work began during the years called aside into contemplative prayer. While it is a home-based work, it fulfills the desire to write and publish a Christian message, as well as being a means of evangelisation in a world where God continues to call each one of us, and to use our God-given gifts. To respond to that call is to know joy!

Kind acknowledgement with thanks to the following:

Adoration of the Shepherds by Bernardo Strozzi, courtesy of The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD.

Libreria Editrice Vaticana for permission to publish quotes by Pope Benedict XVI.

Images of Archdeacon Cavanagh (P.P. Knock, 1879) courtesy of Knock Shrine Society.

Selected photo images of Ireland courtesy of Daniela Fichtenbauer.

Image of original oil painting ‘Last Boat In’ courtesy of Jim Daly.

Karen Hatzigeorgiou for selected flower images, and photos of Irish Cailín with permission to use.

An Sagart for permission to use Scripture quotes from An Bíobla Naofa

Some Scripture quotes are also adapted from the Douay-Rheims Bible

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